iPhone Panoramic | www.apphoto.ie

While in Courtown Woods yesterday for a walk with my daughter, i had a go at the Panoramic option on the iPhone OS6. Great results even with a fast moving 3 year old. I have warmed up the image a tad but nothing else. 

Little Red Ridding Hood Ava Poveda in Courtown Woods with Jessie

"Our Bottom Line" Launch | apphoto.ie

Bowl Cancer survivors Sister Catherine Mulhall, Art Cosgrove and Dick Murray are pictured with Joan Kelly, Nursing Services Manager at the Irish Cancer Society, Professor Colm Ó’Moráin, Emeritus Dean of Health Sciences at Trinity College Dublin and Kathleen O’Meara, Head of Advocacy and Communications with the Society, as the Irish Cancer Society launched a campaign calling on the Government to meet Our Bottom Line on bowel cancer screening by making screening available to all who need it. The Society wants the age for bowel cancer screening to be extended and long-term funding for the programme to be put in place. Pic Andres Poveda
Irish Times 21/09/2012

ICS The Bottom Line Launch – Images by Andres Poveda

t: +353 (0)86 8343242
w: www.apphoto.ie

Red Squirrels released on Kiliney Hill | Dublin PR Photographer

Kiliney got an injection of red heads as Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council released 15 red squirrels on Kiliney hill as part of a new conservation project to help boost the population of the squirrels in the area. Pictures Andres Poveda for Jason Clarke Photography
Irish Independent  05/09/2012


t: +353 (0)86 8343242